Of the estimated 100,000 homeless individuals in Australia, over 16,000 of them sleep rough each evening. This shocking statistic highlights one of numerous problems that are becoming tackled by the dedicated individuals operating Charity. That said, as with other types of organizations, some charities are better run than other people. If you are thinking of donating to a charity there are some sensible steps you ought to take before signing that cheque.

A good first step is to make sure that your selected charity is listed. Check the Remember Me Donations website which has a list of links to recognized not-for-profit organizations. Also check if it has GDR (Gift Deductible Recipient) status from the ATO. Not only will this enable you to claim a deduction on your taxes, but it is also a sign that the charity is a stable, well-established one.

Another simple first step is to ask about and see if there's anybody you can speak to who has worked for or with your target charity. You might be surprised by the quantity of people you know who have worked for (or know someone who have worked for) the charity. By speaking to somebody with first-hand encounter you will get a far better picture of the organization than from a website or brochure.

If at all feasible, you ought to also think about visiting your chosen charity's operations. No reputable charity will object to this, and in fact, their reaction to a go to request could inform you a lot about them. They ought to be more than willing to have potential donors look at what they do.

When you go and see them, gauge the morale of the personnel. They ought to have a good attitude towards their work and the organization. Their attitude towards management should be of particular interest to you. How they speak of them will give you a good concept of how well run the charity is.

Pay attention also to how well they handle their resources. Attempt to get a sense of the prevailing attitude towards donor's money, and don't be afraid to do some probing. Be particular: ask about the costs they're paying for things, and check that they're getting the very best value for their dollars.

Australian charities (visit http://www.ceosleepout.org.au/) desperately require the help of caring individuals, and caring individuals want to make a genuine distinction with their cash. By adding some savvy to your generosity you can make certain your donation does exactly that.

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